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Flight 2008

Opening of Flight Judging 2008

Chairman Rob opens the 2008 Flight event. This is the second year for the Dutch Chapter and the number of participants and listed cars have more then doubled.

With six teams two cars were judged. A 1977 C3 from our European member Oliver from Germany and a 1978 C3 Pace Car from local member Stef.


The flanks of the 77 are measured.

Engine judging

Rob and a new member are judging the engine of the 78 pace car.

Owner Stef is patiently watching.

Here is the seam strip

Piet and Mike are judging the exterior.

Being busy

Interior and technical judging

Erik & Johan - teamwork 1


The 77 was a difficult car to judge. With 92 k miles on the odometer it is a car which is really used, so much more difficult to judge than the almost "new" pace car.

Oliver in action

Owner Oliver in action to remove the spare. The wheel was completely original with all markings present.

Perfect original interior

The pace car of Stef only has 2,600 original miles on the odometer.

Pace car engine

Billy Olson and Pieter de Groot

Billy and a new member Pieter are judging the interior.

Twan & Ruud - Teamwork 2

Judging the mechanical section is what these chaps are doing.

Pieter is judging the interior

Time for a Dutch Treat

During lunch we enjoyed the typical Dutch snacks of some fries and krokets.

Second round

After the lunch the teams were swapped. The ones who judged the car of Oliver before lunch now continued with the car of Stef. It was concluded that judging the Pace Car was relatively "easy" since the car is nearly in factory condition. As of it was removed straight from a time capsule.

Johan and Eric were spending a lot of time on the floor....

PV time

When judging the interior, exterior, mechanical and chassis sections was done it was time for the nerve wrecking PV session. Both cars only failed on their alarms systems.

It's Olivers turn


The orange color was well represented that day. Oliver did you expect some extra bonus points by painting your car orange for this occasion.......?????

And then it was Stef's turn

2nd Flight

After a nerve wrecking but joyfull day Oliver took home a 2nd Flight result!

TOP FLIGHT - Congratulations Stef!

Everybody agreed the pace car of Stef was extremely originals. The car with only 2,600 miles on the odometer scored a well deserved TOP Flight!
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